James Darling's blog

I ocasionally write blog posts here.
You can subscribe to receive them via RSS.

20 Oct 2024

Note #10: Brain

13 Oct 2024

Note #9: Journals

01 Jul 2024

Note #8: A weeknote

05 Jan 2024

Yearnote: 2023

12 Aug 2023

Ford Grand Tourneo Connect

14 May 2022

Quitting smoking

03 Jan 2022

Yearnote: 2021

19 Dec 2021

Family Board Game Christmas Presents via Amazon Prime

05 Dec 2021

Note #7: Jobs

Writing effortlessly, new job, demolition and carbon steel pans

25 Nov 2021

Departmental Review: United Kingdom Accreditation Service

The accreditor's accreditor

24 Nov 2021

Departmental Review: Introduction

Exploring the more obscure parts of the civil service

17 Nov 2021

I am joining dxw as Technical Principal

16 Nov 2021

Note #6: Building

27 Oct 2021

Members, voters, people, mammals

How do we write digital strategies for collectivist organisations?

21 Aug 2020

Violence, Conflict, Power, Sex

Living with toxic masculinity

22 Apr 2020

Note #5: Lockdown

13 Oct 2019

Note #4: Cold

07 Mar 2019

Rewired State: 10 years on

10 years ago today was the first ‘National Hack The Government Day’

22 Oct 2018

Note #3: Holding pattern

14 Oct 2018

Note #2: The re-birth of the Membership prototype

22 Sep 2018

Note #1: Burning Man ‘18

15 Mar 2017

Putting strings into databases and then taking them back out again

How I see my job

26 Feb 2017

Membership: a prototype

Exploring ideas for digital membership

15 Nov 2016


An honest account of my battles with depression

13 Sep 2015

Open Labour

My hopes for the future of the Labour Party

11 Aug 2015

Taking a break from Government

30 Sep 2014

Learning to code is ignorant bliss

How and why I learnt to code, and what that might mean

25 Sep 2014

Culture Stories: Introduction and Milk

Digital Transformation can be about culture

09 Sep 2014

On BERG’s hibernation

Some thoughts on my old employer

27 Jan 2014

What is liveglitch all about?

An experiment in using glitches to understand complexity

24 Oct 2013

They may have the money, but we have the tools of technology

Text from my 89plus Marathon speech at the Serpentine gallery, 19/10/13


A selection of posts I have written for other blogs

14 Jan 2020

Where are our affordable houses and how do councils keep track of them?

A post for dxw on how Councils are losing much needed affordable housing from their stock through a lack of data

10 Mar 2016

Labour Party: What do we mean when we say ‘digital’?

A post for the Labour Party breaking apart an overloaded term

14 Sep 2011

Bringing the London Bus Network home

A post for BERG on a side project exploring live bus data