It’s a New Year and I have plans of writing yearnotes, and liked the idea of making plans for the quarter, but then I remember I still can’t write weekly notes and its already the 12th of January, so I should accept who I am, get out of my own way and write a note already. I’ll just go backwards in time until we have enough content.
I bought Rina a pottery course at Turning Earth, and Frank suggested we visit the V&A to see, among other things, a pottery exhibition, so we visited today. We got there and couldn’t find directions to it, so I asked at the desk. They said it was closed. I asked why. They said they had closed the entire 4th floor because it was too cold. There was no information about this anywhere. This sounds made up. I think there’s some deep institutional conspiracy happening on the 4th floor of the V&A.
Anyway, we were then in the V&A without a plan, which is an overwhelming experience. We browsed the casts, the glass and the jewellery. These Korean vases were my favourite thing of the day.
Yesterday Rina and I went to John Lewis to buy some house things, but ended up mostly in the clothes sale, because it turns out the John Lewis clothes sale is pretty nifty when you’re in your 30s.
House things we got and like: skinny food waste caddy, double laundry basket, cotton placemats. Things we liked and didn’t get (yet): tiny filing cabinet, Sabre Bistrot cutlery, Cycloc Hero bike mount.
I’ve been doing various bits of DIY over the last week: picture hanging, door stop mounting, that kind of thing. Making decent progress. But everything stopped on Wednesday because a knife in the kitchen drawer manage to get jammed in a way that 2 hours of inserting anything that we could find that was thin and rigid enough to try and jiggle it free didn’t work. I ended up having to dismantle the kitchen island to get at it, which was only possible because a critical screw holding the countertop down was loose. If that screw had been put in properly, I think we would have had to either never use that drawer again and sacrifice all cutlery to it, or destroy and re-order at least some of the kitchen island. I nearly had a breakdown.
On Wednesday evening we went to The Shacklewell Arms to see some new music at an Eat Your Own Ears night. The best act was the opening act: Jackson Roy. I appear unable to link to any of the music on the internet, so you’ll have to trust me on this.
On Monday I had morning tea with Simon—who is successfully pursuing his dreams of composing—to try and figure out what dreams I want to pursue, successfully or not. I then went to visit Martin’s new house, which is the exact same council house as his previous one, but in Haringey instead of Tower Hamlets.
I think that’s enough content, and happens to be a week! You’ll notice it’s all quite life, and very little projects. I have been doing little bits of pottering on a side project and started very early planning for Nest, but my main project is settling into my new life and then deciding what the next project(s) is.
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