- Fun long weekend in Berlin. No photos.
- Productive week at work. FF published a case study on what we’re doing. They’re good at writing words.
- Binged Nobody Wants This in a single week. The first 20 minutes will make you very confused how such a standard rom-com could have a 94% rotten tomatoes score, but I fell in love quickly.
- I think the main thing is that yes, the characters are normal straight American rom-com characters with the usual character flaws, but somehow the lead relationship is not only romantic but also is… mostly healthy?
- I’ve been running a local version of Dan Catt’s Kitty Journaling system for the last couple of weeks. I haven’t tweaked it yet, just seeing how it feels.
- I’ve enjoyed it. Dan’s reccomendation to answer every question sincerely is a really important one. Even if the question has got the wrong end of the stick. Or even if it makes you cringe with its generic enthusiasm.
- I’m not sure if this is good advice for journaling, dealing with LLMs, or just general life advice.
- I think I’m ready to start tweaking Kitty to my own needs. First off I want to try splitting personal and work journaling to see if that’s a good idea.
- Two yak shaves I’m currently resisting: rewriting it in ruby, and moving my todo list away from Apple reminders so I can have an API to feed it.
- In other journaling news, now that I can iPhone mirror on my laptop, I’ve been able to use the Apple Journal app with a real keyboard. It’s a decent setup, but maybe that’s because it rewards me with mindfulness points in the Health app.
- R and I played Jaipur in Playground. Pleasing game in a pleasing cafe.
- I am deep in research about what to clad the shed I’m building with my dad in 3 weeks. Cheap pine fence board, redwood shiplap and composite all on the table. Reckons welcome.
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