I am joining dxw as Technical Principal

November 17, 2021 · Tagged: work

After 9 years of going it alone, I am going to join dxw, a public and third sector digital agency, as Technical Principal.

I’ve already worked with dxw on several contracts over the years. In fact, I was “the dextrous web’s” first contractor in 2009 when the company was just Harry. The company, me and the civic technology sphere has changed a lot over those years, but I have always respected dxw for the work they do and the values they hold. They have approached every project with talent, professionalism and care for the work. They are also one of the few public sector agencies who are truly able to do the work from inception to production.

The final cog to fall into place was dxw’s recent transition into being Employee owned. The recent purchases and amalgamations of small public sector suppliers re-iterates my personal opinion that ethics and values are little more than disposable branding if you don’t have a legal constitution that backs it up. I can join dxw knowing it is a legal entity structured to better represent the interests of its clients, employees and society.

I start in 2 weeks. If you would like to work with me and this great team, then get in touch.

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